The travelogues on this site describe where my feet have taken me over the past several decades, times traveling alone, as well as those trips with my son. They are about the journeys made across various landscapes, wandering about muscular and thewy countysides by foot, on buses, boats, or atop camels or horses, on whatever continent we found ourselves, the two of us peaking into the mysterious heart of some other place, another land, and its people, traveling from one border to the next.
The Anniversary Trip
Photos of The Anniversary Trip
Read the Travelogue
Click HereThe travelogues were created while on the move, mornings, or late afternoons, fueled by coffee while seated in a quiet back street cafe. I have not re formatted nor even performed an exhaustive spell and grammar check since their creation, though as time allows I hope to do so. For now, please read, enjoy, and take a moment to let me know what edits can be made. Happy Trails y hasta la vista…